Let’s get that bathing suit back before summer hits! This workout is taken from The Human Trainer 50 Day Challenge. Start today for incredible results in less than 2 months. Warmup: This [...]
Sure, there are some equipment that is better off never passing your doorway, but these space-saving beauties are worth having, and make needing a gym membership to stay fit a thing of the past. [...]
Yes, it’s a new year and time to get back into shape. Put down that chocolate chip cookie and get to work! But visiting the gym is such a chore, you might say. Many other workout [...]
The idea of a new year brings about the feeling of getting a fresh start. Our previous mistakes and unaccomplished life-checklist-items suddenly no longer plague us. We have a clean slate and vow [...]
As a Fitness Expert, Licensed Sports Nutritionist, Weight Loss Consultant and Certified Personal Trainer, Natalie Jill doesn’t only talk the talk but walks the walk. A 41-year-old single mom with [...]
Astone Fitness sets out to have the most versatile and easy-to-use suspension gym on the market, and with the launch of The Human Trainer’s new add-ons, there is no better way to have a [...]