Ripcords Stretch Buddy Resistance Band- Ultra Light

$ 27

SKU: SBS-009 Categories: ,

The Ripcords Stretch Buddy Purple Tension resistance band is your ideal rehabilitation and flexibility exercise cord. Increase range of motion and support early stage injury rehab with this ultra light Ripcord providing 3 – 5 lbs. of resistance.



Whether you are building or toning muscle, using Ripcords can make you look and feel even better than with traditional weights, while protecting your body at the same time. The various tension levels of Ripcords mean that you can always find an exercise band that will suit your needs. Ripcords allow you to perform over a hundred different exercises, with the freedom of doing them in the location of your choice. Whether you want to create a leaner, more athletic physique or build muscle, Ripcords has a resistance level to help you meet your goals.

All Ripcords exercise cords are approximately 4.5 feet in length with a maximum stretch up to 2 times its natural length.

Purple Ultra light Ripcord- Approximately 3-5 lb. Resistance