
1) The HT’s D-Ring system means it doesn’t rely on a potential faulty cambuckle that often wears down over time and can cause the spring to break leading to potential injury during exercise.

2) The HT uses industrial grade rubberized handles instead of the typical foam handles that absorb sweat, tear and can potentially lead to injury by losing grip during exercise.

3) The HT is a Dual anchor design so your bodyweight is distributed between two straps and anchors creating a safer workout for beginners to advanced users.

4) The HT uses a rubberized handle that is modular and can be instantly clipped to the selected D-Ring. The quick clip system is a much simplified technique when compared to a cumbersome cambuckle design.

5) The HT’s patented design uses the D-Ring quick clip system to avoid wearing down a cambuckle by constantly having to lengthen and shorten straps with this design. The HT design allows for users to have multiple handles or accessories attached to the main straps to prevent any clipping and unclipping between exercises.

6) The HT has a 1 piece specially moulded thick D-Ring to avoid any welding to create a safe and durable product.

7) The HT uses industrial grade bonded nylon for all stitching for greatest safety in its design.

8) The HT has two lines of safety stitching above and below each D‑Ring for greater durability and product safety.

9) The HT cambuckle located at the top of the Main Straps is only intended and used when setting up on an uneven anchoring point or for offset-exercise. This is very rarely used and often not ever required to manually adjust.

10) The HT has a team patrolling the e-commerce and international market for unauthorized manufacturers / distributors attempting to produce or sell fake Human Trainers.

11) The HT has the industry’s leading warranty. Most companies offer 90 days to 1 year, Astone Fitness Ltd. has been in business for 10 years and offers a 2 year warranty on The Human Trainer.


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