Spring is a great time to take a visit to your local farmers market. This is the time of year where much of your produce starts to be locally grown, which means fresher and better fruits and [...]
Let’s get that bathing suit back before summer hits! This workout is taken from The Human Trainer 50 Day Challenge. Start today for incredible results in less than 2 months. Warmup: This [...]
Yay! Springtime is here! Its time to tune-up your bodies and prep for outdoor activities. We spring clean our homes and tune-up our cars, so doesn’t it make sense that your body and mind [...]
Celebrities are paid to look good, and we of course take notice and wonder how they do it. We’re all guilty of looking to our favorite celebrity for their weight loss secret du jour. But [...]
Spring is finally here! Its the perfect excuse to move out of the stuffy gym and take in some fresh air! But transitioning your workout from indoors to outdoors can be trickier than you may [...]
These days, suspension trainers are steadily gaining in popularity in the fitness industry and for good reason. Body weight based suspension training is an effective method of resistance training [...]
So youre after the ever eluding 6-pack abs? Getting a 6-pack is hard work. It takes dedication to a complete lifestyle overhaul. Heres what you need to do EXERCISE You should be working out 3 to [...]
The Human Trainer adds the element of balance to your ab workout causing you to target areas you didn’t even know you were missing. Try these 5 exercises today to get the abs of your [...]
Eat Fiber: Need to lose a few pounds? According to a 2015 study in the Annals of Internal Medicine people who simply ate 30g of fiber daily lost almost as much weight as those on a low-cal diet. [...]
Why does a simple set of nylon straps that look like such a basic piece of equipment, become a standard training tool for so many athletes? The word SIMPLE hits the mark with how easy it is to [...]