It’s never too late or early to start thinking about your health. Young or old, every step forward you take counts tremendously in the end. Proactivity is the best activity. Take a look at [...]
Let’s face it. Computers have become our crutch. We spend our days attached to them at work and have our iphones, ipads or other portable devices on had at all times. But how can we not? They [...]
The two things in our title usually don’t go together but Dr.Oz has come up with these great “3 simple organic food rules” that will help you determine when you should go organic and [...]
Though we all know the real meaning of Easter, its has become a day full of bunnies, colorful eggs and celebrating the end of winter. Woot! Bye-bye Mr. Frost! Though your attention may be focused [...]
Form Fitness Magazine has done a great job highlighting one of the biggest benefits of The Human Trainer. That is using suspension training for sports conditioning. It works out all muscles, as [...]
I’m reading your mind here. I know you have a lot of questions about Paleo after our last article, Paleo Diet Breakdown – Simple Enough for a Caveman to Understand. Here are answers to a few of [...]
Astone Fitness is going on a Euro trip! We are an official exhibitor at this year’s FIBO Trade Show in Essen Germany April 19 – 22. Come by, say hi, and see what fitness [...]
It’s not easy for everyone to wake up at 6am for their morning run or morning anything! We all need a little kick to wake up whatever is inside ourselves to do what we do. I’m talking [...]
If you follow fitness and health news at all you may have come across The Paleo Diet. Paleo is the favored way of eating for many Crossfit enthusiasts and it seems to make a lot of sense. The [...]
We arrived at Los Angeles airport and packed ourselves and all our baggage into a cab — much to the chagrin of the cab driver who thought we should get 2 cabs for all of our [...]