Improve Flexibility and Mobility Today

Ever look at a baby and wonder in awe how you ever were that flexible, since now you can barely even touch your toes? As babies, we are the most flexible we will ever be. We can squat for hours, [...]


The Human Trainer with Featured User Nikol Klein

This month’s Human Trainer Featured User, Nikol Klein demostrates exercises she does with her personal trainer and ballet dancer clients, using The Human Trainer.


The Human Trainer Headquarters – It’s like we now have our very own Batcave!

As of April 1st, 2013 Astone Fitness has a a new headquarters location, complete with a Human Trainer workout room!  We are happy to have this beautiful, zen new space to work from, and to [...]


Nikol Klein: Ballet Dancer, Women’s Trainer, Human Trainer Featured User

As a women’s fitness expert and professional ballet dancer, Nikol Klein prides herself on knowing all the tricks and techniques it takes for women to get the lean, toned, bulk-free bodies they’re [...]


Blue EZ Jump Rope

Product Features The EZ Jumper is your answer to the never-ending quest for a better body. A fresh, versatile fitness product, the EZ Jumper is designed for people of all ages, sizes and needs. [...]


3 Weight Loss Myths Debunked

Weight loss has become a huge scam run by the supplement companies and diet magazines that support them. There are countless myths out there, so I feel that this article is necessary because the [...]


The Human Trainer with World Champion Athlete Chrisie Allemand

National Fitness Champion, Registered Dietitian, Certified Personal Trainer, columnist and fitness fanatic, Chrisie Allemand, demonstrates the versatility of “The Human Trainer” [...]


Rehabilitation and Flexibility – New Total Physical Therapy Kit.

Recovering from an injury? Looking to get your flexibility back up to par? Need a good stretch before hitting the gym?   The Total Physical Therapy Kit is the ultimate package to take your [...]


Submit Your Workout Videos and Get Exposure for Your Business

Astone Fitness is looking to help the world become more fitness and health concious. We feel this is our purpose. Join us by submitting your knowledgeable workout video for inclusion on Astone TV [...]


Tommy Europe’s talks to Inside Fitness Mag about The Human Trainer SHREDfit Workout

In this month’s issue (February 2013) of Canada’s #1 fitness magazine, INSIDE FITNESS, Featured User Tommy Europe talks about his Human Trainer SHREDfit workouts. In the article [...]