
The average American sits at a desk job for approximately 10 hours a day.  Do these exercises to strengthen your back to prevent back pain and posture problems. Remember, to get up, walk around, and stretch as often as you can. 

Do 10-Reps (on each side) of each exercise.


Two-Arm Reverse Flies


Facing the Human Trainer straps, hold one handle in each hand with both arms extended in front of you,
keep both elbows slightly bent, palms facing each other and hands close together.
Begin to open your arms so that they are extended at your sides as you retract your shoulder blades together. Return to start position and repeat.


 Rotational Pulley Power Pull

    Rotational Pulley Power Pull-1Rotational Pulley Power Pull-2

Stand with feet hip width apart, facing towards the pulley. Begin leaning back slightly with both arms extended forward at chest height, palms facing in towards each other.
Keeping your core muscles engaged, pull the right arm back towards the chest as the left arm extends forward. Continue alternating sides maintaining a steady breath and
movement pace.
TIPS: Use your core muscles to initiate the rotation of the arms and body. Keep arms and chest lifted throughout the movement with head and neck in neutral alignment.


Rotational Pulley Alternating Flies
Rotational Pulley Alternating Fly-1Rotational Pulley Alternating Fly-2Rotational Pulley Alternating Fly-3 
Stand with feet hip width apart, facing towards the main straps. Begin leaning back slightly with both arms extended forward at chest height, palms facing in towards each other. Keeping the arms straight, pull the right arm back and to your side while rotating the torso with the right arm. Continue alternating sides.
Two-Arm Rotating Grip Row
Start facing the straps. Hold one handle in each hand with palms facing down and arms straight at shoulder level. Pull your arms back towards your body so your chest comes to meet your hands. Both hands will rotate 180 degrees during the movement and finish facing up at shoulder level. Return to start position and repeat.
One-Arm Row 
Start facing the straps. Grasp one handle in your right hand, palm facing in with you arm extended straight at shoulder level. Keeping your shoulders down, pull your body so your chest comes up to meet your right hand. Return to start and repeat position and complete the desired repetitions, then repeat with left side.
Two-Arm High Row 
Start facing the straps. Hold a handle in each hand, palms facing down with arms extended straight at shoulder level. Keeping your elbows and shoulders down, pull your elbows back as you lift your body until your hands are by your ears with your elbows behind you. Return to start position and repeat.
We also suggest performing lumber (low back) exercises, neck, shoulder and anterior chain exercises and a full body stretching routine to compliment these and other posterior back exercises. 

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