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Pro Athletes Love Suspension Training and Why You Should Too!

Why does a simple set of nylon straps that look like such a basic piece of equipment, become a standard training tool for so many athletes? The word SIMPLE hits the mark with how easy it is to [...]


Health Benefits of White Fruits and Vegetables

When it comes to fruits and vegetables we are told that in order to get all the needed vitamins from them we should eat a rainbow of colored varieties. But when we think of a rainbow, we of [...]


Your 5 Point-Diet Checklist: Is Your Diet Optimized For Success?

A big part of leading a healthier lifestyle is making sure that the foods you put into your body on a day to day basis not only support a healthy body weight, but also support optimal health. In [...]


Top 10 Ways to Love Yourself

Valentine’s Day is all about showing love for that special someone, but what about the most important person in your life? You know, the one you always tend to neglect. Im talking about [...]


SHRED IT and SHED IT Human Trainer Workout

This workout combines The Human Trainer Agility Ladder, X-Training cones, and The HT itself for an ultimate HIIT workout. WORKOUT 1) Agility Ladder Jumping Jacks – 1minute 2) X-Training [...]


Quick and Easy Fat Burning Recipes

Losing weight, and keeping it off, unfortunately never happens quickly. But eating the right foods can help out a whole lot. Isn’t a quick or easy process, but a few simple diet tricks can [...]


Why Trying to Lose Weight will NEVER Work

I was motivated to write this blog post after reading our Human Trainer AthleteNatalie Jill’s article on the same topic. She said it SO RIGHT- You have to COMMIT to something if you REALLY [...]


30 Tips to Follow for a Happy and Healthier YOU!

New Year’s Day usually comes with analyzing our lives and finding what we need and want to improve on in the upcoming year. But why pick one huge resolution that youll probably never stick [...]