
Now that you determined that Boot Camp Workouts are up your alley after reading our article: The Boot Camp Workout: Is it right for you? here is a little workout you can do in the comfort of your own home:

1. WARM-UP: Jog in place or do jumping jacks for 2 minutes. A warm up helps to avoid injury while exercising and also helps you get into the right frame of mind for a workout. This will prepare your body for fat loss.

2. Do 1 minute of squats.  To do a proper squat, your feet should be placed shoulder width apart. Bend at the knees and lower your body to the ground, sticking your butt out as if you were going to sit in a chair. Do not let your knees extend over your toes. Keep your weight in your heels; it should feels as though you could easily tip backwards. Come back to your starting position and repeat. DO NOT REST IN BETWEEN EXERCISES…

3. Complete 1 minute of push ups. Lie down with your hands underneath your body at shoulder height and width apart. Straighten your arms to lift your body, keeping your back straight and feet (or knees) together. Exhale as you go up, and inhale as you go down.  Do with knees on the floor if too difficult.

4. Start 2 minutes of lunges; 1 minute left leg, 1 minute right leg. To do a proper lunge start with feet together, then step forward with one foot (roughly 2-3 feet from the body), and bend your knees to lower your body down slowly. Do not let your front knee go over your toes as this may result in injury. Keep your torso upright and tight, maintaining balance.

5. Do a 1 minute plank. Place your elbows and forearms under your chest. Using your toes and forearms as the only contact with the ground, prop yourself up. You want to make a straight line from your shoulders to your feet; do not let your hips sink towards the ground. Focus on keeping the abdominals tight. Beginners may have to go in 15 second increments to make up a minute as this can be a tough position to hold.

6. Complete 1 minute of a bicycle crunch. Lie flat on the ground with your hands alongside your head. Bring your knees to a 90-degree angle and start the pedaling motion. It should look as if you are trying to touch your right elbow to your left knee, and vice versa. For maximum benefit from the exercise, do not bring either leg in past a 90-degree angle.

7. Do 2 minutes arm circles; 1 minute forward, 1 minute backward. This is a lot harder than it sounds. Straighten your arms so that they are horizontal with the floor, and start making circles. Imagine that you are outlining a circle the size of a basketball.

8. Cool down and stretch for 2 minutes OR GO THROUGH THE WORKOUT AGAIN! (Stretching: larger muscle groups first. Stretch in two to three sets, holding 10-15-30 second intervals. Stretch and hold, do not bounce. * The intensity that you perform is directly related to how intense the exercise becomes.


Consider that you can calmly do these exercises or perform them in a fast sequence. We recommend pushing yourself a little bit further every time. This is a great workout that you can do at home or outside. Can’t find time for the gym today? This is a great way to get a short workout in, that will kick your butt into shape!

Source: ehow.com

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